The Plaza at EQT Plaza
Pittsburgh, PA
Size: 11,000 square feet
Services: Architecture, Interior Design
The public space adjacent to the EQT Plaza building was renovated to be a more inviting outdoor space for tenants, as well as the downtown community.
Highwoods Properties' project objectives were to:
Replace the plaza paving with pedestal pavers to solve drainage issues and waterproofing, as well as structural replacements to the supporting system.
Coordinate with the brick pavers of the cultural district sidewalks as well as the existing granite of EQT Plaza and Midtown Towers.
Create arbors to serve as a focal point in conjunction with the entry off Liberty Avenue to lead the eye through the space to the other arbor, which screens the adjacent parking lot. The plaza is to be separated into smaller zones designated by different materials, lighting and movable planters.
Retain bicycle storage while removing existing planters and stage to allow for more seating.
Relocate existing fence and gates to give the owner the ability to close off the space at night.
Relocate existing bronze sculptures and refurbish gas light fixtures.
Enhance the Highwoods Properties brand.